AquaStar EV

The KAISER AquaSTAR EV is the world's first electric sewer cleaning vehicle with water recycling. Zero emissions, electric and powerful at the same time. In an exclusive partnership with electric truck manufacturer Designwerk, KAISER has jointly resolved the technical challenges. Anyone using the AquaStar EV can rely on KAISER’s usual high jetting and vacuuming capacity in combination with water recycling.

Maximum sustainability: high carbon and diesel savings

The AquaStar EV has a positive impact on an operator’s carbon footprint after just one year of use. Up to 21,000 litres of diesel can be saved every year. Depending on the energy mix, it reduces carbon emissions by up to 80% viewed over the entire lifecycle of the vehicle.

Eight-hour operating time

With a battery capacity of 508 kWh, the AquaStar EV can keep running for a whole day. Charging capacity is up to 350 kW. The battery takes roughly 1 h 20 min to reach full charge.

Constantly high pump power

Electric high-performance auxiliary drives ensure a maximum jetting power of up to 300 litres per minute and a suction power of up to 3,100 m3/h.

Using water sparingly

The KAISER water recycling system, which has been a pioneer in its field for many years, is the final piece in the jigsaw for an innovative and environmentally friendly vehicle concept.


This makes the electric sewer cleaner an interesting option for private customers and local governments who are keen to equip their operations for the future, or who work in conurbations with restrictions on CO2 emissions. Thanks to water recycling and electric drive, the KAISER AquaStar EV consumes almost no resources.


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T +423 377 21 21


T +423 377 21 21